Monday, January 16, 2017

Review of Free the Darkness (King's Dark Tidings #1)

4 Stars

I really loved the concept of this book. Watching Rezkin have to deal with normal people after having been raised from birth to be a striker (an elite spy/warrior/assassin) made for a really interesting read. It was great to see how a man trained to alway be prepared for any deadly situation would be completely baffled when landed in the lives of everyday people. There was a good mix of action scenes, as well as interesting character interaction.
There were a few things that bothered me about this book. The narrative would shift viewpoints without warning from paragraph to paragraph (occasionally there would be shifts mid-paragraph) which at times were a little hard to follow. My other big problem is everyone in this world has insane reflex speeds. The main character can dodge and catch crossbow bolts, throwing knives, and throwing stars, and he isn’t the only one to accomplish this.
Overall, I enjoyed the book, and look forward to reading the second installment.